Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Red Square, Cathedral, and The Tretyakov

Met at the hotel again, and went for a walk on Red Square – a photo excursion since our previous visit was at night. We had a good time meandering about, and I yattered on and on about all the historical import of people and places connected with Red Square.

Mom and Dad headed off separately for a more relaxing afternoon. I took Chaz and Claire over to the Christ the Savior Cathedral for a visit; quite a symbol of the rebirth of faith, or Russia, or nationalism, or whatever attribute you care to ascribe to a building reconstructed 60 years after the Soviets blew it up.

Then, I took them on the metro to the Tretyakov Gallery. I was confident that they’d navigate the transfers necessary to get there, but figured I’d escort them all the same to make it a little faster.

Met at the hotel late, and ended up having dinner there. I bid farewell to Chaz and Claire, who left the next morning.

A little note on how we tricked Chaz into going to Russia. Months ago, I knew Chaz wouldn’t be too keen on a massive trip to Moscow (and knew that Claire would definitely be up for it). So when I saw them in California I gave them a wonderful illustrated guidebook. Claire followed with a DVD series of Russian history. That clinched it. Next thing you know, they’re going around St. Petersburg on their own like a couple of pro’s. I’m very proud of them – and exceedingly happy that they came all this way.


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