
The Chicago Tribune encouraged readers to send in pictures of kids freaking out in the presence of St. Nick and then published the hilarious results.
I love this picture since its only a pint-size representation that's causing a full blown freak out. But I especially love it because we have the exact same Santa statue. Mom made it out of ceramics (the caption at the website says this one is plastic, however) many years ago. As far back as I can remember, anyway, that Kris Kringle was a focal point of our Christmas decorations in the house.
The odd thing is that I have always really liked this figurine. The countenance is almost zen-like in its knowing wink and smile. But then again, I suppose I have always liked Santa in all his various forms.
I guess I still really like Santa, even though I now realize that it was Dad who ate all the snacks we left out on Christmas Eve. "No, kids", he'd say looking over our shoulders in the kitchen as we assembled a plate, "Not those cookies; Santa likes the other ones better. And not so many carrots."
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